All that is, He contains within Himself like thoughts: the world, Himself, the All. Therefore, unless you make yourself equal to God, you cannot understand God; for like is not intelligible save to the like. Make yourself grow to a greatness beyond measure; by a leap [of intellect], free yourself from the body; raise yourself above all time, become Eternity; then you will understand God.

Believe that nothing is impossible for you; think yourself immortal and capable of understanding all, all arts, all sciences, the nature of every living being. Mount higher than the highest height; descend lower than the lowest depth. Draw into yourself all sensations of everything created, fire and water, the dry and the moist, imagining that you are everywhere, on earth, in the sea, in the sky; that you are not yet born, in the maternal womb, adolescent, old, dead, beyond death. If you embrace in your thought all things at once-all times, places, substances, qualities, quantities-you may understand God

Experience shows that the spirit is nothing but awareness. Whoever has greater awareness has greater spirit… When the spirit becomes greater and passes beyond all bounds, the spirits of all things become obedient to it.

So to experience your reality as the creator of it, realize that where you are is the center of all that is occurring. This is what it means to be centered. When you think someone, something or somewhere else is the center of what's going on, you are giving your power away to the external world. Move through your world with the consciousness that you are the center of the universe and you will find that you don't really have to shift much as things and people around you shift themselves instead.

Awakening as One

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Hakim Sanai 1

And if, my friend, you ask me the way
by Hakim Sanai

English version by D.L. Pendlebury
Original Language Persian/Farsi

And if, my friend, you ask me the way,
I'll tell you plainly, it is this:
to turn your face toward the world of life,
and turn your back on rank and reputation;
and, spurning outward prosperity, to bend
your back double in his service;
to part company with those who deal in words,
and take your place in the presence of the wordless.

Belief and unbelief
by Hakim Sanai

English version by D.L. Pendlebury
Original Language Persian/Farsi

Belief and unbelief
both have their origin
in your hypocrite's heart;
the way is only long
because you delay to start on it:
one single step
would bring you to him:
become a slave,
and you will be a king.

Belief brings me close to You
by Hakim Sanai

English version by Priya Hemenway
Original Language Persian/Farsi

Belief brings me close to You
but only to the door.
It is only by disappearing into
Your mystery
that I will come in.

Bloom Like a Rose
by Hakim Sanai

English version by David and Sabrineh Fideler
Original Language Persian/Farsi

Your heartrending (causing or expressing intense grief, anguish, or distress )
fire made me bloom like a rose.

I died at your feet
and returned fast to life.

My inborn freedom
offered nothing in profit;
but now I am free,
since becoming your slave.

Love's conqueror is he
by Hakim Sanai

English version by D.L. Pendlebury
Original Language Persian/Farsi

Love's conqueror is he
whom love conquers.
Apply yourself, hand and foot,
to the search;
but when you reach the sea,
stop talking of the stream.

Mystic Chat
by Hakim Sanai

English version by Peter Lamborn Wilson and Nasrollah Pourjavady
Original Language Persian/Farsi

My dear!
You haven't the feet
for this path --
why struggle?
You've no idea where
the idol's to be found --
what's all this
mystic chat?
What can be done
with quarrelsome
fellow travelers,
If you were really a lover
you'd see that faith and infidelity
are one...
Oh, what's the use?
nit-picking (
Minute, trivial, unnecessary, and unjustified criticism or faultfinding
about such things
is a hobby for
numb brains.
You are pure spirit
but imagine yourself a corpse!
pure water which thinks
it's the pot!
Everything you want
must be searched for --
except the Friend.
If you don't find Him
you'll never
be able
to start
to even
you can be sure:
You are not Him --
you can remove yourself
from between
and Him --
in which case

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