All that is, He contains within Himself like thoughts: the world, Himself, the All. Therefore, unless you make yourself equal to God, you cannot understand God; for like is not intelligible save to the like. Make yourself grow to a greatness beyond measure; by a leap [of intellect], free yourself from the body; raise yourself above all time, become Eternity; then you will understand God.

Believe that nothing is impossible for you; think yourself immortal and capable of understanding all, all arts, all sciences, the nature of every living being. Mount higher than the highest height; descend lower than the lowest depth. Draw into yourself all sensations of everything created, fire and water, the dry and the moist, imagining that you are everywhere, on earth, in the sea, in the sky; that you are not yet born, in the maternal womb, adolescent, old, dead, beyond death. If you embrace in your thought all things at once-all times, places, substances, qualities, quantities-you may understand God

Experience shows that the spirit is nothing but awareness. Whoever has greater awareness has greater spirit… When the spirit becomes greater and passes beyond all bounds, the spirits of all things become obedient to it.

So to experience your reality as the creator of it, realize that where you are is the center of all that is occurring. This is what it means to be centered. When you think someone, something or somewhere else is the center of what's going on, you are giving your power away to the external world. Move through your world with the consciousness that you are the center of the universe and you will find that you don't really have to shift much as things and people around you shift themselves instead.

Awakening as One

Monday, May 27, 2013


by Sarmad

English version by Azarm Ghareman
Original Language Persian/Farsi

Along the road, you were my companion
Seeking the path, you were my guide

No matter to whom I spoke, it was you who answered
When Sun called Moon to Sky, it was you who shined

In the Night of aloneness, you
were my comforter

When I laughed, you were the smile on my lips
When I cried, you were the tears on my face

When I wrote, you were the verse
When I sang, you were the song

Rarely did my heart desire another lover
Then when it did, you came to me in the other.

Every man who knows his secret
by Sarmad

English version by Ivan M. Granger
Original Language Persian/Farsi

Every man who knows his secret
becomes a secret,
     hidden from the skies.

The sage says Ahmad rose to the heavens;
Sarmad says the heavens
     rose in him!

He and I are one
by Sarmad

English version by Isaac A. Ezekiel
Original Language Persian/Farsi

He and I are one,
     like the word and its meaning.
Behold union in separation,
     like the eye and vision.
Not for a moment is He separate from me --
Behold us together everywhere,
     like flower and fragrance.

He dwells not only in temples and mosques
by Sarmad

English version by Isaac A. Ezekiel
Original Language Persian/Farsi

He dwells not only in temples and mosques --
The whole creation is his abode.
The whole world is bewitched by his tale,
     but wise are those who are lost in his love.

He is happy on account of my humble self
by Sarmad

English version by Dr. Zahurul Hasan Sharib
Original Language Persian/Farsi

He is happy on account of my humble self
Evil eye and wine is stolen from my hands
He is in my bosom; search for Him in me!
Tis strange that a thief has caused me to be naked! 

Hundreds of my friends became enemies
by Sarmad

English version by Isaac A. Ezekiel
Original Language Persian/Farsi

Hundreds of my friends became enemies,
     but the friendship of the One gave solace to my heart.
I chose oneness -- now I am free of the many.
I became his and He became mine at last.

My friend, engage your heart in his embrace
by Sarmad

English version by Isaac A. Ezekiel
Original Language Persian/Farsi

My friend, engage your heart in his embrace
     and rise to the inner sky.
Do not forget the words of this devotee:
Erase both worlds from your heart.

My heart searched for your fragrance
by Sarmad

English version by Isaac A. Ezekiel
Original Language Persian/Farsi

My heart searched for your fragrance
     in the breeze moving at dawn,
     my eyes searched for the flower of your face
     in the garden of creation.
Neither could lead me to your abode --
     contemplation alone showed me the way.

Once I was bathed in the Light of Truth within
by Sarmad

English version by Isaac A. Ezekiel
Original Language Persian/Farsi

Once I was bathed in the Light of Truth within,
     I abandoned all planning and scheming.
If you, too, seek this transcendence (
free from the limitations inherent in matter),
     leave your lower self -- then from head to foot
     you will see your whole being as God's 

     refulgence (shining brightly; radiant; gleaming).

The ocean of his generosity has no shore
by Sarmad

English version by Isaac A. Ezekiel
Original Language Persian/Farsi

The ocean of his generosity has no shore.
The tongue is powerless to thank,
the heart too bewildered to understand.
Though my sins are many
his compassion is greater still--
I swim in the sea of disobedience
but I do not drown.

The universe
by Sarmad

English version by Peter Lamborn Wilson and Nasrollah Pourjavady
Original Language Persian/Farsi

The universe
     is a kaleidoscope:
now hopelessness, now hope
     now spring, now fall.
Forget its ups and downs:
     do not vex yourself:
The remedy for pain
     is the pain.

To the dignified station of love I was raised
by Sarmad

Original Language Persian/Farsi

To the dignified station of love I was raised,
And from the favours of the people I was freed.
Like a candle I was melted in this assembly,
By being burnt, in the divine mysteries I was initiated.

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