All that is, He contains within Himself like thoughts: the world, Himself, the All. Therefore, unless you make yourself equal to God, you cannot understand God; for like is not intelligible save to the like. Make yourself grow to a greatness beyond measure; by a leap [of intellect], free yourself from the body; raise yourself above all time, become Eternity; then you will understand God.

Believe that nothing is impossible for you; think yourself immortal and capable of understanding all, all arts, all sciences, the nature of every living being. Mount higher than the highest height; descend lower than the lowest depth. Draw into yourself all sensations of everything created, fire and water, the dry and the moist, imagining that you are everywhere, on earth, in the sea, in the sky; that you are not yet born, in the maternal womb, adolescent, old, dead, beyond death. If you embrace in your thought all things at once-all times, places, substances, qualities, quantities-you may understand God

Experience shows that the spirit is nothing but awareness. Whoever has greater awareness has greater spirit… When the spirit becomes greater and passes beyond all bounds, the spirits of all things become obedient to it.

So to experience your reality as the creator of it, realize that where you are is the center of all that is occurring. This is what it means to be centered. When you think someone, something or somewhere else is the center of what's going on, you are giving your power away to the external world. Move through your world with the consciousness that you are the center of the universe and you will find that you don't really have to shift much as things and people around you shift themselves instead.

Awakening as One

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Even if You Lose all you have

Even if You Lose all you have

Learn the meaning of that secret
That God revealed in the Koran:
Whether He makes you happy or unhappy,
Whether He makes you sad or gives you hope,
Even if you lose all you have
Or suffer extremely in the spirit,
Be patient: a hundred divine graces
Are coming from His hand to you.
He who endures patiently the pain
That is sent from God
Will, it is certain, obtain
The strength and truth of faith.
Marvelous news is sent to the patient;
They will win a great joy.
You must be able to perceive grace
Even when His divine anger lashes you,
And think of Him always with serenity,
And always, whatever happens, cling to Him
With all you heart and all your soul.

The World is Never Far From Him

He who is perfect in the Path of Faith
Will never be deceived by Adam’s clay:
He will always see the Light in Adam -
Its brilliance will not remain a secret.
In stone, wood, straw, or mountain
He will at all times see nothing but God.
Didn’t Bayazid himself see God in all things?
He saw the Face of God in the tiniest leaf.
The world is never far from Him:
Could its perfume stray far from the rosegarden?
He who is deprived of the sense of smell
Cannot distinguish fragrances
Just as the stream-bed isn’t conscious
Of the water always flowing through it.
If I revealed any more about these things
The two worlds would disappear
And I would become His enemy
And he would light a fire in my soul and body.

The Soul That Does not Live in God is not Alive

Spring makes red and white flowers appear on the trees,
But the spring that is the origin of colors is colorless.
Understand what I have said, and give up all talk;
Run to the Origin without color and unite yourself to it.
Annihilate yourself before the One Existence
So that thousands of worlds leap out of you
And your pure existence flames out of itself
And goes on and on birthing different forms.
Of course, none of these forms will last.
Happy is the one who knows this mystery!
Happy is he who gives his life to know this!
He leaves this house for another far more radiant.
You cannot understand this mystery through reason;
The Way to Knowledge winds through suffering and torment.
If you do not feel pain, you do not look for healing.
The soul that does not live in God is not alive.
She seems like a soul, but does not deserve the name:
She has not been made alive by the Beloved.
The soul is given life by the four-elements
Like a lamp that burns through the night:
The light is from oil and wick, it is not eternal.
While the oil exists, the lamp burns, but then goes out.
The one made alive by God will never die.
He lives through God and not through gold or bread.
God is the Light, the Eternal Source of Lights.
The Light is causeless, as is His fiery radiance.
Like gold, God’s value comes from His pure, perfect essence.

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